Saturday, August 27, 2011

Most of my outings are a miss, but sometimes they are a HIT!

You just never know what you are going to find. That statement often runs through my mind as I go to different yard sales, thrift stores, or even off the beaten path antique stores. One in particular antique store I patron about 2-3 times a year. It just so happened that a couple weeks ago when I decided to go that there was a sale going on. This antique store had recently moved things around and cleaned it up a bit. There are half a dozen  "booths" if you will with different sellers. Oh, and this place goes on like forever! Rooms that lead to more rooms. I have my method of madness to hunt and dig through all nooks and crannies. If I don;t then that is when I miss the best items. So, I'm coming toward the last room. The last wall. There, lo and behold, were a pair of old vintage clear glass swag lamps. One had damaged glass but were being sold as the pair. Found out that the sale price would fit into my budget as a vintage resaler (and reworker of lamp wiring), so I jumped on them (not literally). I carefully carried them to the counter and purchased them. So, with what I got I was able to clean up the one good one and extract it's innards for new wiring, socket, chain and light bulb. Oh la la! What a beauty it is! And since I was only able to make one I had other parts and put together one more piece completely different in look and feel. These are now listed on my shop site Holey Gwackamoley! So, really, just one more stop along the way and you CAN find an item that you may just cherish. I do but now I put them up for sale in my shop so you can enjoy the benefits of vintage in your home too.

Holey Gwackamoley!