Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Fresh Home Made Ice Cream!

Yeah, yeah, I know. It's like freezing outside and you want to talk about ice cream????? BBBBbrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!! I've always loved ice cream makers, in particular the electric ones. Who wants to do all that hand cranking anyway? When I was growing up in the 70's and 80's my parents owned one of these electric versions. It had a big green bucket I believe with an American Eagle on the side. And Oh, Dad was passionate about ice cream. He used to tell us stories of how his Dad too loved ice cream but was very particular about how much each kid got. I think too he told me something about a chart on the side of the freezer where his Dad would mark off who had what and how much. Thank goodness Dad didn't adopt that same concept for us! I remember it being a big ordeal that Dad made vanilla ice cream. The ice and the rock salt, as a kid I couldn't figure out WHY you needed to put salt on ice. Now I've figured out why. But it all still is magical! Well, those of you who know me know I frequently go out in search of my treasures I list at my online store . Just the other day I came about a brand new in box vintage ice cream maker. Now anyone who visits vintage shops on Etsy must know that Etsy considers anything 20 years old or older as "vintage". So, I brought it home to offer buyers the opportunity to own one of these working and wonderful ice cream machines. Usually the items hang out in my kitchen or dining room for a few days while I find out all it's pertinent information, photograph and package it up. My youngest son asked me if this ice cream maker was "ours" or was I going to sell it on my shop site. He was soooooooo dissappointed that I was selling it. HE said that I get all the cool stuff and just sell it. Well, my thinking is that I have enjoyed these items in the past. Even though it may be a different style or maker I still appreciate them the same. And being a recycling Queen I'm all for using an item that has had a life before and give it a new life in a recycling kind of way. The sad part about this one is that it really never had a life before. It looks brand new and never even used. So, it will be loved in a 2nd chance and better kind of way. That one is up for sale on my shop site: . So, after considering all my son said, and that I too LOVE ice cream, I tucked the notion of finding one just for us if I should ever meet up with another again. Well, lo and behold, what found me today was a newer version of these machines. It is brand new in the box and PINK! HA! Throw it in your face....Mom brought home a hot pink ice cream maker for US! So, there, you have it!
Off to drool over ice cream recipes....and if you got the notion for some too I've got one ready to ship off for you!
Holey Gwackamoley!

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