Friday, January 13, 2012

That Back Burner Project

Ever have a day or time that you remember that item or items that are screaming for your attention? Maybe it's a paper due for class, a chore at home that needs to be done, work on the car, the pile of leaves that need to be raked, or that project at work that needs your detailed attention? Well, I know I am not alone. In this line of work, working my shop I sometimes find items that "I" want (meaning "I" want to KEEP). It isn't necessarily something big, but something that has peaked my interest. This time it's been a Scotch Tape Dispenser I acquired almost a year ago. Here is a link to it in my shop:  It was rough but underneath I saw it's potential beauty even with the chippy paint and gunky sticky tape on it. It has sat around my home for the last year coming out from the woodworks to taunt me to take care of it. So, after our Christmas break, and being sick after my return I had been pushing through to get better, I decided to take her out and give her the love she needed. Her, meaning this wonderful little tape dispenser. To me she's a cross of the atomic era and the flower child days. She has HAD her days in an office somewhere. She was long forgotten when I got her and I continued to forget her. Well, not anymore. I got some elbow grease invested into her and now she shines even with the chippy paint. The old tape that was gunked in different spots on her got cleaned off (Thank you Goo Gone!!). She got a new tape spindle put in her and a new roll of Scotch Tape on. She now works like a charm waiting for someone to appreciate her again. She wants to tape up some gifts again just like in the olden days. I still want to keep her but I am no where near having my own office yet. She needs a home. Happy taping!

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