Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Nope, I'm not going to any garage sales today!

Yep, that's what I thought as I headed out the door Saturday morning to get my weekly box of organic produce from Abundant Harvest Organics. Well, on the way I saw flags (like the kind you see advertising brand new homes) but these said "garage sale" on them. WOW, never seen that used as garage sale marketing before. So, as I searched  found that it was for a local storage facility. I thought, humm, must be like an auction probably only one or two units doing this. Got my organics box then pulled into the parking lot of this storage facility. As I went in found out that it was to raise money for a local adoption/foster home agency. Here is the article about it: Storage Express and Childrens Bureau The employees of the Childrens Bureau rented out spaces to bring their garage sale items but they kept their proceeds and the rental monies went to the agency. What a GRAND idea. Win win for all I say! And as one who really enjoys a good garage sale it was even better because it was a one stop shop or one stop garage sale- inside, AIR CONDITIONED, and organized! NOW I say that IS the way to do garage sales, no stop and go, stop and go, stop and go. Well, I had a fabulous time, but only found two items that I now have listed in my shop A Hoot in the Woods at Holey Gwackamoley!, a perfect item to get anyones day started. Ok, so where is that cup of coffee I need? Oh yeah, had one already!
Have a wonderful day!
Holey Gwackamoley!

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